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7 Ways To Redeem The Time

"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil."
~ Ephesians 5:15-16

The days are evil, are they not? If it was time to redeem the time when Paul wrote this, it certainly is now time to redeem the time.

But how? Doing what?

I am just a girl, not the wisest or brightest, but I can't help but think that it can't be wrong to redeem the time by doing what we were created for - the wholehearted worship of God.

"I am not asking whether you know things about Him but do you know God, are you enjoying God, is God the center of your life, the soul of your being, the source of your greatest joy? He is meant to be."

~ Martyn Lloyd Jones

I recently spent some time thinking of ways that I intentionally enjoy fellowshipping with God during my days. Here are some thoughts:

1. "Seven Times A Day"

David said, "Seven times a day I praise You..." That got me thinking once. There generally are seven parts to ones' day:

  1. When they get up

  2. When they eat breakfast

  3. When they do their morning work

  4. When they eat lunch

  5. When they do their afternoon work

  6. When they eat dinner

  7. When they go to bed

Seven! Awhile ago, I made it a goal to always praise God at each of these points in the day. While I am still working at making it a habit, practicing this habit infuses any day with praise.

2. A Precious Block Of Time

How do you spend your getting ready time in the bathroom? Day dreaming? Singing epic move theme songs? I personally don't think that those things are sinful, but for me that precious alone/silent time is too valuable for me to spend like that. I have made it a rule for myself that I will always either memorize two verses or spend that time talking to my dear Savior. They have become short times of great spiritual productivity!

I recently memorized a 14-verse passage just during that time over a two-week timeframe!

3. Double Cleanup!

Most of us have meal cleanup duties. Whether our job is to sweep the floor or do the dishes, I encourage us to intentionally seize this part of the day for sanctification and purifying our souls by setting our minds on things above.

I like to memorize hymns while I do the dishes. I just set the hymnal in the drying rack and sing away, one hymn at a time. : )

4. Walk & Talk

Do you go on walks? It is one of the most refreshing, relaxing, healthy, and motivating ways to reset the day. But when you walk, what do you do? Let your mind wander? Look at the ground? Last year I signed up for a challenge to walk 100 miles in 3 months. Oooh! I realized that this was a precious block of time that needed to be invested wisely in the most efficient way possible. I decided to memorize one verse from Psalms every time I walked a lap. (In case you think that is really an achievement, it's not really. Anyone could do it. I ended up repeating the verse to myself about 50 or more times per lap.)

At the end of the 3 months, I had memorized the first book of Psalms. (That's 41 Psalms and 616 verses!) It visibly changed my life, too.

5. The Night Watches

Someone once told me that what your mind naturally wanders to as you are falling asleep is the most important thing to you. Not only did it make sense, it was incredibly convicting.

We all have at least a few minutes as we are falling asleep. And some of us have way more time than we would like. 😆 (Real quick, if this is the case with you, I encourage you to view that extra time He gives you as a special gift from God to you and not a curse... it can become the sweetest part of the day.) There are so many verses about what we can (or should!) be doing with that time.

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

~ Psalm 1:2 ~

Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah

~ Psalm 4:4 ~

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons.

~ Psalm 16:7 ~

You have tested my heart; You have visited me in the night...

~ Psalm 17:3a ~

The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me — a prayer to the God of my life.

~ Psalm 42:8 ~

When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.

~ Psalm 63:6 ~

I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart, and my spirit makes diligent search.

~ Psalm 77:6 ~

I remember Your name in the night, O Lord, and I keep Your law.

~ Psalm 199:55 ~

My eyes are awake through the night watches, that I may meditate on Your word.

~ Psalm 119:148 ~

Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud on their beds.

~ Psalm 149:5 ~

And those are just the ones from Psalms. :) I intentionally memorized many of these verses, and when my mind wanders aimlessly at night about the tasks I need to do the next day, what I need to remember to say to someone, what so-and-so told me, what I want to do in my life, etc., they often check me and bring me back to sweet fellowship with my Father. A favorite is Psalm 4:4 - "Meditate within your heart on your bed and be still. Selah." The shallow and ebb thoughts I have never produce as much fruit as the nightly communion times I am blessed to experience. In fact, it is often during these times that my relationship with Him grows the most.

Part of one of the verses from one of my favorite hymns says,

"When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply..."


6. Pulling God Off The Shelf......

Photo Credit: Daeus Lamb

I love how Paul Washer puts it - "If I put my wife in the closet for half an hour and spend that time talking with her, and then go along my merry way the rest of the day, am I being a good husband?" I think that we would all agree that that's ridiculous. The channels should be open between the two all day long for any thing they would like to say to each other or communicate non-verbally even.

I think it is equally as ridiculous to "pull God off the shelf" in the morning and then "put Him back up" when we're done and go along our merry little way. That is not a relationship any more than pulling a wife in and out of a closet.

This is why I think it is important to view our relationship with Him as a moment-by-moment conversation with Him that never stops. I don't think this means that we have to be talking to Him every second - that isn't how relationships usually work - but that we may take every opportunity we can talk to Him to do so, and remember how much it cost Him to bring us, His enemies, into fellowship with Him.

And this is why I am an advocate for taking advantage of short car rides for this purpose to just talk to Him. Memorizing a passage, praying through a passage, just sitting and ponder all He has done for me and others, pouring out my heart to Him...

What car rides do you have to take advantage of?

Once I realized that I had 15 minutes each way to and from my choir lessons once a week... that's 30 minutes a week! 30 minutes a week equals 26 hours a year. My choir lessons only lasted for several weeks, but I was still able to memorize a couple of Psalms during those car rides that I still quote to myself around the house sometimes.

7. The Best Trade

They say that true love always requires sacrifice. And not just agape love. Phileo and eros love do too. They require that we submit our wants to do what is best for both {or all} people involved. Sometimes we may not *desire* to do what God wants us to do, but if we love Him, since everything He asks us to do will always be right, we will obey Him.

In order to invest in our relationship with Him, we sometimes need to make sacrifices. But, actually, I prefer to call it an investment or trade. I realize that if I invest my time in novels or texting, I will become wise in those areas. But if I invest that same time in my relationship with my God, I will be wise in that. It is a choice, but if you ask me, it is the best trade available.

What things can we give up to enjoy more time fellowshipping with God?


I want to encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity today that He gives you to talk with Him. Whatever that looks like, if He knocks at your door today, I encourage you - don't stay in your bed and miss the opportunity! Seek the Lord while He may be found. He promises that our souls "shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness," and our mouths shall "praise Him with joyful lips." (Psalm 63:5)

~ To The Utmost Glory Of God ~

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