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New Years Resolutions

Happy 11 hours and 7 minutes until 2019!

Well, by the time you read this, it'll probably be much later than that. :D

Have you thought about your New Years Resolutions yet? If not, I'm here encouraging you to! I have found that New Years Resolutions are a wonderful way to be intentional and work on the things that I realized I ought to during the year. I challenge every one of you to write out a list of New Years Resolutions for 2019. Normal New Years Resolutions usually include becoming more healthy physically and mentally, but I think it's a good idea to target all 4 areas - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It's really helpful to have a way to keep ourselves accountable and actually DO what we set out to do.

Before I go any further, do you see that kitty up there? Isn't she adorable??!! I just couldn't resist using her in my blog post because she's SO CUTE!!! :D :D

Actually, I thought that it would be a good reminder for me whenever I see that kitty to not be lazy, because that cat really looks pretty lazy. :D I don't know, that's just the way I am, alright?

Okay. :D

Here's my New Years Goals idea. (By the way, I just switched to using the word 'goals' instead of 'resolutions,' because I like it better.)

- Pick 5 things you want to work on in each of the four areas, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Feel free to add more :D

- Type them out, print them, and tack them up somewhere in your house

- Figure out a reward to give yourself for every 1 thing that you accomplish on your list at the end of the year - (for example 1 dollar of spending money or 1 piece of chocolate etc.,) This is definitely a Katarina-ism, as my family would say. :D I do that a lot for different things!! :D

- Optional: pick someone that you know - from your family, church, or group of close friends to be your "News Years Goals Accountability Partner." Send each other texts, notes, or verbal reminders about your New Years Goals whenever you think about it. I was surprised how a reminder just here and there really helped me this year! I simply tacked my NYG's on my bookshelf, and even though I only saw them every couple of weeks/months, I was able to get most of them done! :D

Here's why I think this is a good idea.

  • You will have a plan to become a better person as a whole by the end of the year.

  • They will be somewhere visible, so that you will read them and be reminded to do them!

  • You will {probably} want to do them, because you will be rewarded at the end of the year :D :D

  • You will not only be able to see them and be reminded by seeing them, you will have a partner who will remind you as well.

I encourage and challenge you to give it a try! As much as possible, it really helps to be as specific as possible. For example, last year I wrote "read lots of books" on my list, but this year I gave myself a specific number.

Where there is no vision, the people perish...

~ Proverbs 29:18

My 2019 New Year Goals


- Memorize Ephesians

- Qualify For Nationals

- Break my Nationals ranking

- Read 25 books

- Finish draft #1 of the Armenian story

Physical - Become able to climb our rope - Learn + perfect the spike in volleyball - Run a 9 minute mile - Exercise for 30 minutes every day except Sunday - Become able to do 50 pushups in a row

Emotional - Rejoice when tempted to panic at the pressure point every time - Smile more often in public, but most especially in private - Exercise patience - Volunteer happily for tasks I don’t want to do - Focus on meekness + gentleness

Spiritual - Avoid all media for a month except for the blog - and only do that on Mondays - Finish reading through the Bible again - Record 30 prayer requests and how they were answered - Create a habit of meditating on Scripture daily - Publish “Of God’s Faithfulness” posts monthly

Projects - De-junk one room in the house - Add pockets to a dress - Write an encouraging note to 1+ person weekly. Start off with a list of people to target - Broaden my hairdo ability by 5 - Write to all of my pen-pals at least once before Bible Bee starts

- Finish my Medical Transcription course before Bible Bee starts

- Help host the Summer Bible Bee study

Feel free to share yours below!! I'd love to read them. :D

Happy New Year! May God bless every single one of you in 2019!

~ To The Utmost Glory Of God ~

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