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Hi guys!

Have you heard of the Bible Bee? If you know me, you probably have. :D I've been competing in it for years - 6 years, in fact.

The Lord blessed me tremendously and allowed me to qualify for the National Bible Bee last year. I memorized over 1,000 verses last year and it whet my appetite to study God's Word more! I enjoyed Nationals in San Antonio Texas last year, but I didn't really try to get in the semi-finals or anything. I was just happy to memorize as many verses as I did!

This year, I studied really hard again. The Lord brought me to a place where I was reminded to surrender the results to Him and give Him the glory. Every day, I told Him that if I didn't qualify, I would praise His Name, and if I did qualify, He would get the glory for it. I took the test, and I thought it was fairly easy, but I told myself that all the ones I thought were easy were probably trick questions, and I probably did really bad. Still, I thought I at least qualified, but I didn't know what ranking I would get.

Last night we celebrated with ice cream and then went to the living room to figure out the results. Daddy was the best! He told me my results just like I would have wanted!

Yes! I qualified! And I did better than last year by a good deal! God is soooo good. He is very very merciful. I did NOT deserve to qualify even. Praise His Name!

Anyway, it's got my hopes up. I'm going to do my best to do well at Nationals this year, leaving the results completely in His perfect hands. Nationals is intense. I will be studying every single spare second that I get!

As much as I LOVE blogging, I'm going to be saying goodbye until December, when, Lord willing, I will go to compete. I have blog posts almost coming out of my ears - I just need them edited, proof-read, and posted, but I can hardly see how I can find time to do that. You can rest assured that by December, if the Lord wills, you will have Above The Heavens posts coming at you right and left. :D

God's blessings on you all!

Ta Ta For Now!

~ Kina

P.S. Here's a graphic I made to help me remember Psalm 119:97 - Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.

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