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6 Things To Do Instead Of The Screen

For some of you it might be your phone, but for me it's the computer since I don't have a phone. Hopping onto the computer in my free time is really tempting for me. Lots of times I don't even have a reason to be on there - it's just easier than going outside or reading a book.

So I'm writing this to MEEEEE!!!

If you benefit from it, great!

#1: Write A Card

People need so much encouragement.

This spring I took my calendar and wrote someone's name in each box for February, March, and April, and each day wrote a card to the person I'd written down for that day. I included a Scripture verse or two, an encouraging note, and maybe a pretty verse card. (Sometimes I would send a text with a pretty graphic or contact someone through G+ or emailed them.) I also prayed for each person before I sent the letter, and let them know that had I prayed for them in the card. Before I began the whole project, I prayed that the letters would be timely and encourage people when they most needed it.


Almost every single person (or at least a great deal of them) wrote back saying something like this:

"Thank you so much for the note!! I can't tell you how much it blessed me!! I've been having a difficult time lately (sometime's they'd share what had been happening - stuff I had no idea was going on!) and your note was like a burst of sunshine! (Some people told me they cried.) It was SO very timely! You encouraged me greatly - God knew I needed that. Thank you for obeying His urge!!"

Besides being so profitable, the cards only took me about 5-10 minutes each day!

#2: Read A Book

Someone at church once encouraged the congregation to read big books. He says if you just take 15 minutes a day and read a couple pages or a chapter or two, you'd be surprised how fast you can read books - especially the big ones that look daunting. Besides that, if you're reading solid Christian books, they will be strengthening your spiritual walk whereas the screen can often be a huge waste of time.

#3: Go Outside

This year I started gardening with my family each morning. If you've read my post "God Doesn't Expect Us To Be Fairytale Princesses," you know that I do NOT like gardening. Nu-huh. Not my thing. The bugs and the feel of dirt do not appeal to me. But this year I decided to give it a try, trying to be especially obedient and honoring to my parents and setting a good example to my little siblings.

Y'know what I found out?

Gardening's not so bad! Nothing I plant comes up, so I don't plant anymore, but I can weed + mulch. (BTW, if you're a gardener and you haven't seen Back To Eden, you should go watch it. It has revolutionized our gardening AND made weeding 80-90% easier.) I rather like it! The change was not my environment, but my change of mind.

That was a bit of a rabbit trail, but you should seriously go outside. Not only is it healthy, but it is a great place to think.

#4: Read A Book To Your Siblings

My younger siblings LOVE it when I read them books. They each get to take turns picking out books for me to read. Now we're reading "The Life Of George Washington," "Pollyanna," and "Ishmael" and I mainly read it to them when we're driving or if I have free time. Sometimes I also tell them stories.

Really, the idea is to be spending time with your siblings, and reading a book is one of my favorite ways to do that!

#5: Bake Something

I like to make treats in my free time when I'm feeling productive. Lia's Toffee Recipe is a favorite, but I only make it occasionally (I mean, it's almost straight sugar!)

My favorite option is Peanut Butter Bars though.

1 cup Peanut Butter

1 cup Butter

1 cup baking syrup (or 2/3 cup sugar)

4 Eggs

2 cups freshly ground hard white wheat

3 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

Optional - handful of raisins

Turns out light + fluffy! SOOOOO good!! :D

#6: Organize/Get Rid Of Stuff

This might be my favorite. I LOVE to throw stuff away and organize things! But even if I didn't, I would still do it because it makes a difference and changes wasted time into profitable time! I like to pick a book shelf, or a shelf on a bookshelf, and just tackle it. Sometimes I take everything out, organizing it into piles: give away, throw away, keep, and stuff to put somewhere else. Then I put the keep stuff back on the shelf. It works really well! Mama appreciates it, I feel productive, and it's nice to look at!

Bonus - Memorize Scripture

(The reason this is a bonus is because I realized I had 7 points AFTER I made the picture for the post, and I didn't want to re-do it to say "7 things to do instead of the screen.")

Sometimes I say "I don't have time to memorize Scripture!"


I do. I have time to do LOTS of things!! It's really all about priority. Instead of sliding into the computer seat, I can pick up a Bible and memorize a verse! Lifelong rewards verses entertainment? Lifelong rewards please.


1. Read the verse 10 times

2. Close your eyes and recite it 10 times, emphasizing one different word each time.

3. Move onto verse two, repeating steps 1 + 2.

4. Once you have that verse down, repeat both verses a couple times.

5. Move onto verse 3, and so on.

Have a profitable day!

~ To The Glory Of God Alone ~

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