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DIY Month: How To Make A Quick Hair Bow

Hair bows add a unique girlish touch to any outfit. I love hair bows!

Step 1: Find a thick ribbon or a piece of cloth and cut it up to a random size. Usually I try not to make mine too long, because I like the way they look when they're shortish. This was the length of my ribbon:

Step 2: fold the ends together so they overlap slightly in the middle, and hot glue them in place. On this hair bow, I forgot to overlap them - I really wish I had because I had a little problem with the hot glue showing through. I worked it out but it would have been easier if I'd overlapped the ends.

Step 3: Put a line of hot glue down the middle and quickly scrunch it up with your fingers.

Step 4: Cut out a thinnish piece of ribbon, and hot glue it around the middle.

Step 5: Hot glue a hair clip onto the back and voila! You're done!

~ Kina

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