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DIY Month: How To Make Lip Balm!

Over the years I have had many, many, many requests for this recipe. It's hard to beat homemade lip balm. Especially chocolate peppermint lip balm! I had to include this project in my DIY month. Hope you enjoy it and it helps you enjoy your winters, springs, summers, and falls more. :D

Step 1: Put a metal ring/lid on the bottom of a saucepan. Fill with water about an inch deep. Put a glass bowl on top of the lid. This is called 'double broiling.'

Step 2: Dump in 1 part (example: 1 Tablespoon) Beeswax

Step 3: Dump in 2 parts Cocoa Butter

Step 4: Add 2 parts Coconut Oil

Step 5: Turn on medium/high until everything is melted

Step 6: Wait for it to stop steaming, then add 20 - 30 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

Step 7: You don't have to do this if you don't like a strong peppermint lip balm, but I like to add one drop of peppermint oil into each tube - I think it's too cocoa-y without doing this. :D

Step 8: If the mixture has hardened while you've been busy, re-heat and add 3 or so more drops of peppermint oil (because in the re-heating process some will probably evaporate.) Then use an eye-dropper and fill those tubes! I used to stand the tubes up against each other and drop the mixture into them that way, but it would spill down the sides too often (and that would ruin my labels.) So now I pick each one up and squeeze the mixture into it while I'm holding it. I hardly get any spills now.

Some people re-top them, but I have figured out that it is really easy to spill if you re-top them, so I don't anymore. (Re-topping is where you add a couple more drops after it has started to harden a little, because it sinks in some.)

Step 9: Put the caps on them, then store them in a cool place overnight. The most important thing is that you don't tip or flip them or take off the lids for a couple hours. I've ruined a couple batches by being too curious. :D Just be patient and let them cool overnight. In the morning they will be more than ready for you to use! If you like, you can also add a label to them, which can be fun if you're giving them away or selling them, though they are quite a bit of work, I assure you! :D

This recipe made about 12 tubes.



P.S. Here's where I get my ingredients:

Coconut Oil (you can get it anywhere.)

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